
The most common suspicious activity on the Ranch is trespassing by non-owners ortheir invited guests. Contact the Ranch Manager if you identify anyone who appears tobe trespassing on Ranch roads, meadows or lots. All vehicles belonging to Ranch residents should have a sticker displayed on their windshield, issued by the Metro Boardand available from the Ranch Manager. The Ranch Manager will leave his business card on any unknown vehicle present on the Ranch requesting the owner to contact theManager. The Manager will also take a picture of that vehicle and record its license number. The Manager will call the Summit County Sheriff’s Department to have thatvehicle towed if necessary. Owners should feel free to ask unknown persons on the Ranch if they are owners or guests and advise them that the Ranch is private property. Owners should also contact the Summit County Sheriff via 911 or at (970)453-2232 to report trespassing and othersuspicious activity.


Please note that no hunting is allowed anywhere on Ruby Ranch. No firearms may be discharged on Ruby Ranch, either for target practice or hunting. Any violation of these rules should be immediately reported to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Residents are advised to wear orange gear when hiking outside the Ranch boundaries during hunting season.

Reporting Suspicious Activity