Willow Brook Metro District
The Willow Brook Metro District is a governmental organization that is responsible for the maintenance and management of the key infrastructure throughout the community. Funding for the Metro District comes from the collection of property taxes as well as through quarterly invoices to homeowners for water and trash usage.
Willow Brook Metro District Board
EJ Olbright
Term Expires 2027
Mathew Sherwood
Term Expires May 2025
Michael Good
Term Expires May 2025
Randy Lewis
Term Expires May 2027
Jim Hahn
Term Expires May 2027
What we do
The Willow Brook Metro District (WBMD) services Ruby Ranch and is responsible for the maintenance of the roads, water system, and operations of the ranch. The board is comprised of five members that serve a 4 year term. Financial and legal records are maintained by a district manager, Sue Blair.
Fund the maintenance, improvements, policies and projects required for the Ranch.
Manage infrastructure services, including roads, water, stables, gatehouse, gates, meadows, and trash.
Supervise the Ranch Manager and assure that person has the resources necessary to carry out assigned responsibilities. The Ranch Manager is a full-time employee of the WBMD Board with an office in the Ranch Gatehouse. For more details refer to the Ranch Manager page.
Oversee the daily administration and management of the Ranch by Colorado Resource Services (CRS); for example, compliance with accounting procedures and legal requirements.
You must reside in Colorado and own or live on Ruby Ranch property to vote in the WBMD election, which is held by mailed ballot every second year in conjunction with November general elections. Each qualified person has one vote and there are five persons on the WBMD Board, also serving staggered three-year terms.
The WBMD Board of Directors meets at 3:30 PM on the 3rd Friday each month. The meetings are held either virtually or in person at the District Office located at 524 Ruby Road. All meetings of the Board of Directors of the WBMD are open to the public.
For any additional information, please visit the WBMD Website
Contact us.
Mailing Address: c/o CRS of Colorado
7995 E. Prentice Avenue, Suite 103E
Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111
Phone: 303-381-4960
Fax: 303-381-4961
EMERGENCY: 303-381-4960
Sue Blair
District Manager