Ruby Ranch Owner’s Association

RROA Board of Directors

  • Erika Karplus



  • David Robbins


  • John Longhill


  • Jon Rovick


  • Joey Kraft


What we do



Ruby Ranch is a covenant-controlled neighborhood with the goal of preserving the unique mountain lifestyle of the ranch.


  • Enforce the Covenants governing the Ranch, which are the principal policy guidelines for the Ranch, including Architectural Review. All owners sign their agreement to the Covenants before buying a property on Ruby Ranch. (See below for Covenant document.)

  • Maintain committees of Owners which initiate and carry out policies and projects:

    • Security, Architectural Review, Social/Communications, Fire Mitigation, Rental, which are all headed and staffed by volunteer owners. Please refer to Owners’ Home Page for more information about Committees and their priorities.

    • Maintain the Ruby Ranch website, which is the repository and reference source for policies. The nominal cost of the website is paid by the WBMD General Fund.

  • Propose financial assessments to the Owners for specific purposes, though assessments are quite rare and there is no on-going HOA fee, the lack of which somewhat offsets the relatively high Metro District tax rate.


The RROA board meets at 2:30 PM virtually or at the Gatehouse, prior to the WBMD Board of Directors (BOD) meetings every other month. All meetings of the RROA Board of Directors are open to the public.

Meeting Proxy Form


All owners (whether of a lot with a home or a lot only) are eligible to vote for the five-member RROA Board, at the Annual HOA Meeting, held the first Saturday following Labor Day each year. RROA Board members serve staggered three-year terms. Undivided lots carry two votes. Divided lots carry one vote each and a simple majority wins a contested seat.


Ruby Ranch Owner Covenants are currently under review. Please contact David Robbins for any questions.

Ruby Ranch Owner’s Association Policies September 10, 2005

Ruby Ranch Short Term Rental Regulations 2020

Ruby Ranch Renter Responsibilities 2020

Ruby Ranch seeks to preserve its mountain ambiance and natural character. It is a covenant controlled neighborhood with guidelines for any new development, remodel, addition and change to an existing structure. Please read the guidelines and/or contact a member of the architecture review committee.

Development Application

Application for Architectural Approval

Signage Guidelines

For all construction, a deposit is owed to WBMD. Please see the following document:

Construction Deposit December 18, 2020

Committee Members:

John Longhill

David Robbins

Jon Rovick

Architecture Review Committee